Monday, March 18, 2013

फिर एक सुनहरी किरण आयेगी!! *❀✿❀* *❀✿❀*

Photo taken from Danik Jagran News Paper, Varanasi 12 March, 2013
Japanese  who living in Varanasi pray for people  who died in Tsunami and Earthquake 11 March 2011.

फिर एक सुनहरी किरण आयेगी
आशाओं के फूल खिल जायेंगे
जगमगाते ये आशा फिर से लगेंगे मुस्कुरायेंगे
हर कली में रंग भर जाएगी
फिर एक सुनहरी किरण आयेगी.

विनाश की वो लीला में वे दिल दूसरों के लिए भी रोये थे.
एक दूसरे के आँसू ने ही सबके दुःख धोये थे.
मदद के हर एक सहारे से विकास ने रफ़्तार बनायी थी.
सुनहरी किरण की आशा में हर जिन्दगी मुस्कुरायी थी.

आओ मिलके करें प्रार्थना उन प्राणों के लिए...
जो थे अनजाने.....
हे ईश्वर! उन अनजान प्राणों को शान्ति प्रदान करना,
उनके सगे-सम्बन्धियों के हर कष्ट को दूर करना.
प्रकृति से जान लिया कि वो हमें निडर बनाती है;
कष्ट के कठिनतम पलों में भी सुनहरी किरण दिखलाती है.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Missing My Family.. :'(

How greed I am!
Got myself kept away from them
Who care me and make all fine for me.

I am far away from the way
Where My Mamma stands
Calling me.............
I cry for Her Lap and Kiss.

I am far away from the way
Where My Papa stands
Showing me Path and say
"Never fail yourself"
I cry for His Kiss and Thought.

I am far away from the way
Where My Sisters stand
Helping me All the Way.....
Missing Their Smiles.... :)

I am far away from the way
Where My Brother stands
Teaching me Manners with Care
I cry for him...

Being the part of you all...
Lucky I am, Thank you God.
Now I am far from you all
No one is here who still me care..

Friday, March 1, 2013

ありがとうございます。´✿ ❀(¯`♥´¯)❀ ✿

Hey Guys!! Howz going on? Today, after long era I am trying to write something. You know what these time my mind has been blocked to think new creative ideas. I don't know why? But It hurts me.. :(
I was busy in thinking about Japan and about Japanese. I dream about Sensei, thinking about Sweets Moments every time. Here I want to say that every moments with Sensei is precious and saved in MY HEART throughout in my life. You began to say that you like Sensei. Off course I like Sensei. And it is hard to think about Sayonara from Sensei. But If I have to go ahead in my life, I have to give up my Dearest Things sometimes. This may be my last year in BHU.  And after that I planned to go to Delhi for further studies. In these 3 years, I don't know how, but I begin to love this University, this Place Varanasi and off course Sensei. I want to explain about Our Sensei. Its about one and half year ago when I first time met to Sensei in my class. I had joined my Japanese Diploma class. It was around August month. First time when I saw Sensei, I amazed to see a foreigner who speaks Hindi fluently. And also I like her way of talking. Her accent is much influenced by her Mother Tongue i.e. Japanese.  From first time to this time my things have been changed but bonding between and us become stronger and stronger. I rember when Sensei was trying to understand us about lesson and culture about Japan. Its all about Sensei who make me to Love with Japan. Its all about Sensei, who influenced my career for future. Its all about Sensei who reduced my negative thoughts and made me with full of new energy every time. I like that Every time smile should on her face. So, I beg from Smile never give up your hand with Sensei. And her smile makes me Smile Ever. I want to say more but words are not so good to express my feelings. At last I want to just say that 大好きだよ。